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A History of Western Society for the AP® European History Course
Fourteenth EditionMerry Wiesner-Hanks; Clare Crowston; Joe Perry; John McKay
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Practice with purpose for better grades and exam scores.
A History of Western Society, now in its 14th edition, provides AP® European History students and teachers with a multitude of primary sources for analysis, engaging stories that include everyday life, as well as loads of opportunities to practice skills and content knowledge to prepare for the AP® Euro Exam.
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Achieve's online courseware includes an e-book, quizzes, videos, and more. It's your most economical choice, even if your instructor doesn't require it.
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Learn MoreTable of Contents
Period 1 From Renaissance to Early Modern, ca. 1450-1648
Chapter 1 The Later Middle Ages, 1300–1450
Chapter 2 European Society in the Renaissance, 1350–1550
Chapter 3 European Exploration and Conquest, 1450–1650 [swap]
Chapter 4 Reformations and Religious Wars, 1500–1600 [swap]
Period 1 AP Exam Practice
Period 2 Early Modern Transformations, ca. 1648–1815
Chapter 5 Absolutism and Constitutionalism, 1589–1725
Chapter 6 Toward a New Worldview, 1540–1789
Chapter 7 The Expansion of Europe, 1650–1800
Chapter 8 Life in the Era of Expansion, 1650–1800
Chapter 9 Revolutions in Politics, 1775–1815
Period 2 AP Exam Practice
Period 3 The Long Nineteenth Century, ca. 1815–1914
Chapter 10 The Revolution in Energy and Industry, 1780–1850
Chapter 11 Ideologies and Upheavals, 1815–1850
Chapter 12 Life in the Emerging Urban Society, 1840–1914
Chapter 13 The Age of Nationalism, 1850–1914
Chapter 14 The West and the World, 1815–1914
Period 3 AP Exam Practice
Period 4 The Twentieth Century and Beyond, ca. 1914 to the Present
Chapter 15 War and Revolution, 1914–1919
Chapter 16 Opportunity and Crisis in the Age of Modernity, 1880–1940
Chapter 17 Dictatorships and the Second World War, 1919–1945
Chapter 18 Cold War Conflict and Consensus, 1945–1965
Chapter 19 Challenging the Postwar Order, 1960–1991
Chapter 20 Life in an Age of Globalization, 1990 to the present
Period 4 AP Exam Practice
AP Practice Exam